Setting Z-Wave parameters using Luup/Lua code Development Ap15e Working ModifyUserData might be a simpler, but more dangerous way . Slowly dim your lights code Utility brsipaq Working cf. WakeupRamp SmartPhone plugin This is a basic HTML interface for accessing Vera from a smartphone web browser plugin UI Javier Guerra
So, I was hoping to come up with a LUUP code that basically works like this: when the scene is triggered by the remote, it will check if the lights are on. Variables are given a name and a service ID, which is defined by the UPnP forum. You can use this service ID/variable name pair to get the state of a device in the Luup engine by using the function luup.variable_get, as documented in Luup_Lua_extensions. You can also see the current value of a device's variables by going into Vera's setup page Scene 2 - Trigger when “A” wall switch turns on, immediately turn on all LR lights, execute a Luup code which checks module D, and stops scene execution if module D is off Result - 1st “on” of the switch, 1 lamp goes on. This code allows the scene to run only between 22:30 and 5:30.
Tyvärr dök inte min device upp under ”Serial port Configuration”. Skapade en ny device med description ”RFX_NEXA” och laddade om luup. Luup (kõnekeeles ka suurendusklaas) on lihtne optikariist, mis annab lühikese fookuskaugusega kumerläätse (harvemini läätsede süsteemi) fookuse lähedusse asetatud esemest suurendatud näilise kujutise. Luup asetatakse silma suhtes nii, et kujutis tekiks parimal nägemiskaugusel (normaalse silma puhul on see kaugus u 25 cm). This plugin runs a simple HTTP server on your Vera which listens for UPnP NOTIFY messages, and forwards them on to another MiOS plugin..
av A Meiera · 2002 · Citerat av 34 — code (FSCATM) to perform refractive ray-tracing and calculation of the air lUup po Y v tpぇmlUxc U{c GoormlUx tu8 rUoG 0zh U}¦ ml £ tp §o U ml o{( U y
t = "double-quotes are also fine" u = [[ Double brackets start and end multi-line strings.]] t = nil -- Undefines t; Lua openLuup is a pure-Lua open-source emulation of the Vera Luup environment. in fact, which can run Lua code (most things can - even an Arduino Yún board.) 8 Nov 2015 Below instruction show how to add Lua Test into start up. lua05.
flashing light luup code. JUST COPY AND PASTE! for those with a vera or any device that allows you to input your own LUUP code, i found this super easy code that can make a device such as a light or switch "flash". you can use this for christmas lights or even for your security system. eg: my lights will flash if the alarm goes off
Please see the Overview of all Pages for a list of all pages. In this series, you'll get a complete beginners introduction to programming in the Lua language.
LabVIEW application Development TimAlls Windows, WIP Magnavox 19MF337B/27 LCD TV plugin Home Entertainment management MCV N/A Modbus/TCP plugin A Luup plugin for controlling Modbus/TCP slaves. plugin Interfacing ekarak ?
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2018 — Code: Select all local deviceName = "" -- NAME OF DUMMY DEVICE local deviceManager = require "telldus.DeviceManager" local 7 feb. 2012 — Luup script: Code: Select all local sensorDeviceNo = 29 -- Motion Sensor device number local lightDeviceNo = 5 -- Light device number local Create custom macros and use the integrated code generator to create luup code for scenes inside the VERA MIOS gateway (no programming skills required). inMote home automation application made easy. Integrate MIOS systems and Global Cache IR to experience a perfect home automation solution.
In the 'Code' input box, type: luup…
How to get PLEG condition value from LUUP code? With luup.variable_get()? I have several conditions in PLEG and I would like to track and plot the values in order to see, verify and optimize the behavior of the PLEG logic. For plotting I have done a scene with LUUP code that …
Code/Snippet library 11 days ago Luup : Whole house energy usage.
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in fact, which can run Lua code (most things can - even an Arduino Yún board.) 8 Nov 2015 Below instruction show how to add Lua Test into start up. lua05.