Add translation for urn:cts:greekLit:tlg4040.lexicon.dc3:α:919. Translations Ambrakia: it is a city on the Ambrakian Gulf, a Corinthian colony. Ἄμβρυτοι καὶ 


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fine Starting price: 10 EUR 922 Nero as Caesar AD 50-54. EPEIROS, Ambrakia. Circa 360-338 BC. AR Stater (8.62 gm). Pegasos flying left; A below / Helmeted head of Athena left; eagle grappling with serpent behind. Pegasi Π pg.469,108 (same dies). Det här är en förgreningssida, som består av en lista på olika betydelser hos artikelnamnet.Om du kom hit via en wikilänk i en annan artikel, gå gärna tillbaka dit och korrigera länken så att den pekar direkt på den sida som länken avser. Ambrakia sijaitsi Arakhthos-joen (nyk.

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Ny … Hola que tal soy AMBIA y este es mi canal. Aquí podrás encontrar algunos de los mejores trolleos en Fortnite si quieres unirte a la aventura solo SUSCRIBETE! :D AMBIA. 293 likes.

The 28th issue of the EBGR presents epigraphic corpora and new epigraphic finds pub­lished in 2015. I have only included a few contributions to the reading and interpretation of old finds as well as a small selection of publications that adduce inscriptions for the study of religious phenomena. I have also summarizes some publications of earlier years that had not been included in earlier

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Ambrakia 919

Ambrakia, Mesopotamos and further north at Vis and Budva. In addition to this is A T M 919. ATH2161. AME0659. AME0862. AMP1245. ATH1565. A T M 935.

Ambrakia 919

Ambrakia: Periandros asked his eromenos, 'Aren't you pregnant yet?', and paid a 919). CV A Italy 51, plates (IVD) 1.1, 2.2f. CVA USA 10, plate 24.2; LCS 34. the centre of ancient Ambrakia which revealed most of a of Arta, outside the walls of Ambrakia (cf.

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Off the coast lie the islands of Lefkas and Kephalonia.

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the Gulf of Ambrakia in the western part of the country. 919-942. UNESCO, Paris. Reese, D.S. (1981). Faunal Remains from Three Cisterns (1977.1, 1977.2  

Ambrakia, Mesopotamos and further north at Vis and Budva. In addition to this is A T M 919.

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Ambracia (în greaca Ἀμπρακία) este un oraș din Grecia, fondat între anii 650-625 î.Hr (secolul VII î.Hr.) drept colonie corintică de către Gorgus, fiul tiranului din …

Ambrakia (grekiska Ἀμπρακία, latin Ambracia, nu Arta) var en betydande stad i antikens Epirus, vid floden Árachthos Potamós, på något avstånd från Ambrakiska viken (Sinus Ambracius, nu Artaviken). Ambrakia anlades omkring 630 f. Kr. av korinthiska nybyggare under ledning av Kypselos son Gorgos. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Voaova farany tamin'ny 13 Jiona 2020 amin'ny 08:42 ity pejy ity. Azo ampiasaina araka ny fepetra apetraky ny lisansa Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike ; Mety misy ny fepetra fanampiny mihatra. Hola que tal soy AMBIA y este es mi canal. Aquí podrás encontrar algunos de los mejores trolleos en Fortnite si quieres unirte a la aventura solo SUSCRIBETE!