Browse Rockfotos images of Cult of Luna and read more about the artist. Rydberg, Johannes Persson, Magnus Lindberg, Erik Olofsson and Fredrik Renstrom.
Cult of Luna is a post-metal band formed in 1998 in Umeå, Sweden by guitarist/vocalist Johannes Persson and vocalist Klas Rydberg. After some member hunting and rehearsals CoL had its first line-up consisting of: Klas Rydberg, Johannes Persson, Magnus Lindberg, Erik Olofsson and Fredrik Renstrom.
Johannes Persson's screams Sep 7, 2017 Exclusive Interview - Johannes Persson (Cult of Luna). Cult of Luna has been one of those bands I've loved but never gotten to see; the last Nov 12, 2020 Guitarist/vocalist Johannes Persson commented on the connection this EP will have with 2019's A Dawn to Fear. The Raging River' feels more Johannes Persson. Johannes Persson from Cult Of Luna chose and plays on a Centrocerus · Rolf Centrocerus: pedalboard for 10 to 16 pedals Find out what instruments and gear Cult of Luna members use in their recordings and live shows. Johannes Persson. Roles: Singer Guitarist Composer. Magnus Líndberg; Johannes Persson; Andreas Johansson; Thomas Hedlund; Fredrik Kihlberg; Kristian Karlsson.
Your new album, “Somewhere Along The Highway”, is not released yet. Cult of Luna is a Swedish heavy metal band from Umeå founded in 1998. They are known for post-metal music similar to the contemporary bands Neurosis and Isis. The band was signed to Earache Records in the early 2000s and released five albums, including the commercially successful albums Salvation and Somewhere Along the Highway. After an extended period of inactivity, Cult of Luna returned with its Indie Recordings debut Vertikal and companion EP Vertikal II, both drawing Pre-order Vinyl, CD, and Merch Now. Out February 5th. 2021-02-02 · Johannes Persson of the mighty Cult of Luna is back on the show! We discuss the band’s new EP, The Raging River — which Johannes describes as an artistic continuation of their previous album, A Dawn To Fear — writing songs based on instincts instead of the clear start-to-finish approach they utilized in the past, how coming up with new ideas has become more difficult over the years, and I likhet med dessa grupper fokuserar Cult of Lunas texter ofta på övervakningssamhället, men även på traditionella teman inom hardcorepunken, såsom veganism och ilska mot politiker.
Jan 17, 2021 I had the opportunity to speak with guitarist/vocalist Johannes Persson about the new record, as well as how 2020 has gone for himself and the
I’ve interviewed him twice in the last couple of years: the first for 2019’s A Dawn to Fear album and now for their new EP, The Raging River . Long Read: We spoke to Cult Of Luna’s Johannes Persson and let him reveal the secrets behinds the band’s quiet determination March 11, 2020 by Staff As a musical entity, Cult Of Luna have never been the most outspoken.
Möt Johannes Persson, frontman i metalbandet Cult of Luna, i ett långt samtal om musiken och karriären. Och så om hur de lurade fans och musikjournalister
Cult of Luna är det självbetitlade debutalbumet till det svenska progressiva post metal-bandet Cult of Luna.Albumet släpptes 2001 av skivbolaget Rage of Achilles. Editors’ Notes “One thing that motivates me is constantly keeping momentum,” Cult of Luna vocalist and guitarist Johannes Persson tells Apple Music. “It doesn’t have to be forward, we just need to move all the time. 2021-02-16 · Cult of Luna guitarist Johannes Persson was our guest on a recent episode of The MetalSucks Podcast to talk about the band’s new EP, The Raging River..
bass. Magnus Lindberg.
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Jul 7, 2014 The band members themselves are prolific musicians and artists, with vocalist Johannes Persson scoring films, writing books, and thus infusing Apr 6, 2004 Johannes Persson. guitars.
bass. Magnus Lindberg. percussion/guitars. Thomas Hedlund.
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This is my interview with Johannes Persson, Singer and Guitarist of the legendary Post Metal band, Cult Of Luna. This was taken place, over skype on Monday,
JOHANNES PERSSON OF CULT OF LUNA “Orange has always had an important impact on the Cult of Luna sound. With three low tuned guitars there is always a risk to lose the clearness in the tone. But with the Orange PPC412 behind me I never need to worry about the power and clearness in the low end.
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Cult of Luna returned last year after a long hiatus with the stunning A Dawn To Fear. The album was voted record of the year by Echoes And Dust and has received admiration the world over. We had a chat with the band’s vocalist and guitarist Johannes Persson to discuss the album and the return of Cult of Luna along with the band’s forthcoming tour of North America, how their last European tour went, the Mariner album with Julie Christmas, and what the future holds musically for both him
Vi diskuterar återflytten från Stockholm till Umeå och vad det inneburit för Cult Of Luna och bandets framtid, att Cult of Luna är mer än bara en konsertupplevelse, det är filmen om Johannes Persson och Cult of Luna bjöd på ett skådespel i Kulturens hus Läs om Cult of Luna Podcast Episode 4: Kristian Karlsson av Johannes Persson och se konst, låttexter och liknande artister. Till mitt sällskap har jag Johannes Persson, sångare och gitarrist i Cult of Luna. Med snart 10 år som band har Cult of Luna tagit ett rejält grepp om sina fans och Johannes Persson of Cult of Luna performs on stage in concert at the Corporation on January 20, 2013 in Sheffield, England. Få förstklassiga INFÖR KONSERTEN: Cult Of Lunas Johannes Persson berättar om naggade plektrum, tacksamhet Metalbandet Cult Of Luna firar 15 år i år. förstått att Johannes Persson länge velat ha ett samarbete för att få Lanegans sång på en CULT OF LUNA-låt. Och jodå den är fin den rösten, Längtan hem. The raging river vittnar om hemlängtan och återföreningen med Ume älv.