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Altia Plc Stock Exchange Release 19 March 2021 at 2:00 pm  Altia Plc Stock Exchange Release 4 April 2018 at 12:30 pm (EET) Altia Oyj (1): Volume: 500 Volume weighted average price: 7.99 EUR  Throughout my work life I have covered project management, change management, cost base - revenue analysis, procurement, pricing, budgeting, forecasting,  Calculated as the No of Shares Listed * Reference Price at the last trading day of 269, Altia Plc, ALTIA, ALTIA, HEL, EUR, 3500, 36,140,485, 281,895,783, 20  KöpSälj · NESTE CORPORATION, 09.10.2018, 10.10.2018, 17.10.2018, 1,70 för. 2,41. 06.04.2018, 09.04.2018, 16.04.2018, 0,85 fast. Dividend. 09.10.2018  Arcus ASA: Supplement to the prospectus prepared for the merger of Altia Plc Arcus ASA: New share capital and new nominal value of shares registered -0  Arcus ASA: Supplement to the prospectus prepared for the merger of Altia Plc and Arcus ASA Jan-Erik Nilsen, Group Director HR, has today bought 559 shares in Arcus ASA at an average price of NOK 44.693 per share. Spritjätten Altia ska tillsammans med Arcus fusioneras in i ett nytt bolag, Anora Group, som sammanlagt kommer att ha 640 miljoner i omsättning  Calculated as the No of Shares Listed * Reference Price at the last trading day of 264, Altia Plc, ALTIA, ALTIA, HEL, EUR, 3500, 36,140,485  Counsel to AURELIUS Equity Opportunities SE & Co. KGaA and its portfolio company Conaxess Trade Sweden AB in the acquisition of Movement Group Nordic  The Fed's balance sheet guides the stock market | Vontobel The Not-So-Golden Age of Swedish Silent Cinema Finnish government to list Altia Plc on Helsinki  The Norwegian stock market is historically dominated by oil, shipping, merging with Finnish Altia and change the name to Anora Group Plc. 21 juni 2017 kommenterade The Marketing Group plc. Ska bli spännande att se vad I think it will not directly affect the share price.

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Get today's Altia Oyj stock price and latest ALTIA news as well as Altia real-time stock quotes, technical analysis, full financials and more. strengthening the capital structure of state-owned companies,. • attracting foreign capital to Finland,. • strengthening the functioning of the domestic stock market,. Mar 23, 2018 2018 – Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) announced that trading in Altia Plc shares ( short As the creator of the world's first electronic stock market,  Altia Corporation is an international multi-beverage company operating in the Nordic and Baltic countries, In Finland the share of Bag-in-Box wines is approximately pricing for alcoholic beverages, for example, through tax deduct Altia Consultores SA is engaged in providing consultancy and ICT services in Spain. It consulting services 21Vianet Group Inc ADR Price/Earning, 48.79.

21 kesäkuu 2018 kommentoi arvopaperia Embracer Group AB ser. B. Hallå! Hittade ett nytt forum för THQ där man kan diskutera aktien och få nyheter.

View more search results. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Altia Plc Stock Exchange Release 13 May 2020 at 5 pm EET. Altia Plc: Notice of the Annual General Meeting. Notice is given to the shareholders of Altia Plc of the Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday, 4 June at 4.00 p.m.

Altia plc share price

Altia Oyj is a Finland-based company, which produces, markets, sells, imports and exports alcoholic beverages in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Altia has such brands. as Blossa, Chill Out, Explorer, Gronstedts, Jaloviina, Koskenkorva, O.P. Anderson, Renault, Xante and Skane Akvavit.

Altia plc share price

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Blossa, Grönstedts, Koskenkorva, O.P. Anderson, Explorer och Chill Out har en stark marknadsposition och ett arv vi vill vårda. Altia's own brands such as Blossa, Chill Out, Koskenkorva, Valhalla, O.P. Anderson, Renault, Larsen and Xanté have a strong market position and many of them a long heritage to cherish. Altia’s net sales in 2017 were EUR 359.0 million and the company employs about 700 professionals.
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Altia plc share price

How has Altia Oyj's share price performed over time and what events caused price changes? Latest Share Price and Events. Stable Share Price: ALTIA is less volatile than 75% of Finnish stocks over the past 3 months, typically moving +/- 3% a week. Altia Oyj produces, distributes, markets, sells, imports, and exports alcoholic beverages in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The company was founded in 1967 and is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.

Part of Altia Plc Kaapeliaukio 1 P.O Box 350, 00101 Helsinki Tel. +358 207 013 013 firstname.lastname@altiagroup.com. www.altiagroup.com.
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och introducerades kort där efter på Helsingforsbörsen (Stock Exchange Foundation,. 2012). transaktion som år 2008 bildade NASDAQ OMX Group. Det totala Foreign Ownership in the Taiwan Stock Market – An. Empirical Altia Oyj. 5. Konsumentvaror. Icke-familjeägd. Övrigt ägarskap. Apetit Oyj. 5.

Altia’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. www.altiagroup.com. Altia Plc Stock Exchange Release 13 February 2020 at 8:35 EETNew earning period in the share-based long-term incentive scheme for the management and key employees of AltiaThe Board of | April 19, 2021 Altia Consultores SA (ALC:MCE) set a new 52-week high during Tuesday's trading session when it reached 28.60. Over this period, the share price is up 68.24%.

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Aktia Bank plc. Share Price. December 7th, 2020 03:28pm (click here for latest price). Aktia Bank plc. competes in the sector and industry. It is headquartered in , and is traded on the , …

Share capital; Share facts; Shareholders; Ownership structure; Management’s ownership; Dividend history; Flagging notifications; Analyst coverage; Altia's Listing; Merger; Governance. Articles of association; Shareholders’ Nomination Board; General Meeting of Shareholders; Annual General Meeting 2021; Extraordinary General Meeting 2020 Altia's share.