In the Exatlon United States , February 14 is not only celebrated the day of love and friendship. The athletes of both teams, Famous and Contestants, have an intense day of struggle for permanence that, according to what happens, could leave them without a girl, if the Contendings are losers, or without a gentleman, if the Famous are the ones who turn out. defeated.


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Gimnasta Olímpica Beijing 2008 Ganadora de @exatlonestadosunidos The latest tweets from @chellycantu Chelly Cantú, Monterrey, Mexico. 105,077 likes · 5,168 talking about this. Gimnasta Olímpica Beijing 2008 Ganadora de @exatlonestadosunidos Marisela "Chelly" Cantú, the first woman to ever win Exatlón, has proven she is limitless. "I feel proud to represent brave, decisive, hardworking, and disciplined women," she tells People CHICA.

Watch Exatlón highlight 'Exatlón EE.UU. 5: Chelly Cantú muestra las reacciones del día 1 de competencia' on

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Gimnasta Olímpica Beijing 2008 Ganadora de @exatlonestadosunidos De senaste tweetarna från @chellycantu Chelly Cantú, Monterrey, Mexico. 105,077 likes · 5,168 talking about this.
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Gimnasta Olímpica Beijing 2008 Ganadora de @exatlonestadosunidos 2021-01-27 · Watch Exatlón highlight 'Exatlón EE.UU.

Countdown to Marisela’s next birthday. Watch Exatlón highlight 'Exatlón EE.UU. 5: Chelly Cantú entrevista a los atletas en el episodio 32' on Watch Exatlón highlight 'Exatlón EE.UU. 5: Chelly Cantú conversa con Gabriela y Viviana el día de eliminación' on Chelly Cantú entrevistó a los atletas en durante el duelo por el beneficio económico de $20,000 dólares en el episodio 32 de Exatlón Estados Unidos 5.
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104,938 likes · 1,630 talking about this. Gimnasta Olímpica Beijing 2008 Ganadora de @exatlonestadosunidos De senaste tweetarna från @chellycantu Chelly Cantú, Monterrey, Mexico. 105,077 likes · 5,168 talking about this. Gimnasta Olímpica Beijing 2008 Ganadora de @exatlonestadosunidos Chelly Cantu.