Find 83 ways to say IN ADDITION TO, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


Synonyms of in addition to from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for in addition to.

Addition definition is - a part added (as to a building or residential section). How to use addition in a sentence. Find 83 ways to say IN ADDITION TO, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. phrase. As an extra person or thing. ‘Some employers also offer extra time off and more money for fathers in addition to SPP.’. ‘This is in addition to the usual information, such as the location of property lines and buildings.’.

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The addition of five mor See here, the meanings of the word addition, as video and text. Addition definition: 1. the process of adding numbers or amounts together: 2. as well (as): 3. something that has been…. learn more.

in addition. Also; along with (something else). In addition, you will need to stay late whenever the senior staff has to. See also: addition. Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

Here are 2 ways to say it. in addition to this - Engelsk-svensk ordbok -

In addition meaning

What did you mean by “…to do so”? I looked it up on Cambridge dictionary but I didn't get the real meaning. Thanks. henry19.

In addition meaning

In addition, students can take classes in other languages.

alongside. adv.
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In addition meaning

See also: addition, to. Addition sentence. An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together and their sum. We can write the mathematical expression for 7 plus 4 equals 11 as: The numbers that are added are called addends and the answer to addition is called the sum.

in actual use. in actual life.
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What did you mean by “…to do so”? I looked it up on Cambridge dictionary but I didn't get the real meaning. Thanks. henry19.

‘This is in addition to the usual information, such as the location of property lines and buildings.’. In addition, he has six years of experience. Our new house is so close to the city center.

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in addition. See definition of in addition on as in more. as in else. as in extra. as in further. as in likewise. as in more. as in moreover.

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