Since the grain boundary and volume diffusion have diverse influences on the densification response of a sintering system, they have been lumped together as an apparent diffusivity in (3) to create a master sintering curve.
Synonyms for densification in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for densification. 3 synonyms for densification: compaction, compression, concretion. What are synonyms for densification?
This means an extensive retooling of existing space to meet the dedensification (pl. dedensifications) The act or process of making or becoming less dense 2015, Andrea Malagoli, Alessandro Leveratto, Valeria Braccini, Daniele Contarino, Carlo Ferdeghini, New concept for the development of Bi-2212 wires for high field applications, arXiv: “De-densification of the workplace is the key to unlock benefits in the post-COVID-19 era. It helps occupiers to maintain social distancing, enhance the office space wellness and reduce infrastructure woes of a city. The capacity of every room on campus has been adjusted to accommodate physical distancing and de-densification guidelines. Capacity signs for classrooms, restrooms, dining areas, elevators and common areas will be posted by the administration.
2019-09-29 · de-+ densification. Noun . dedensification (plural dedensifications) The act or process of making or becoming less dense. 2015, Andrea Malagoli 2021-03-16 · De-densification is the future of the workplace.
Sur cette page, vous trouverez de nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "densification" de français à suédois. Moteur de recherche de traductions.
2021-04-01 · One person who agrees that offices will likely go the route of sports teams is Lee Butz, co-founder of the tenant engagement app District. “There used to just be one coach for each team but now there are fifteen or twenty,” she said. 2020-09-30 · At the center of conversations between JLL and its clients is the concept of ‘de-densification‘.
De-densification Tech Monitors Foot Traffic. By Dian Schaffhauser; 08/12/20. Occuspace. In fall 2020, the University of Rochester is planning a hybrid online and
2020-06-20 D'une part la densification normative est transversale à l'horizontale, transdisciplinaire donc, et cela au sein même du droit, puisqu'elle concerne potentiellement toutes les disciplines juridiques, et au-delà du droit, car elle concerne aussi tous les champs normatifs, comme ceux de l'éthique, de la déontologie, de la sociologie, de la gestion, etc. D'autre part, elle est aussi Le verdissement en contexte de densification vise à contrer les conséquences négatives des projets immobiliers sur la qualité des milieux de vie.
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Förtätning/Densification #2: Sunday, 16 November, 2 pm - 5 pm. Fia Backström, Malin Arnell, Imri Densification was shown as a method for increasing the population and thereby giving a reason for further de- velopment. At the same time development. Sur cette page, vous trouverez de nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "densification" de français à suédois.
På fransk. 2B104 Equipment and process controls designed or modified for densification and pyrolysis of structural composite rocket nozzles and reentry vehicle nose tips. Butik Urbaniser les Alpes - Strategies de densification des villes en altitu.
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De-densification and relocation will redirect scarce resources from existing/planned informal settlement upgrading efforts. De-densification is a costly exercise (not taking operating expenditure and medium to long-term management implications into account), especially at the scale and speed envisaged.
Traductions en contexte de "de densification" en français-allemand avec Reverso Context : Procédé de densification de silice fabriquée par pyrogenation. Le verdissement en contexte de densification vise à contrer les conséquences négatives des projets immobiliers sur la qualité des milieux de vie.
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Noté /5. Retrouvez La densification de l'Etre : Se préparer aux situations difficiles et des millions de livres en stock sur Achetez neuf ou d'occasion.
Definition of densification in the Dictionary. Meaning of densification. What does densification mean? Proper usage and audio pronunciation of the word densification. 4 timmar sedan · De-densification: A new trend in the coworking segment. - Gurbinder Rattha • 1h. The disruption created by COVID-19 posed a significant 2020-04-13 · The Covid-19 pandemic has raised many challenging questions for planners, architects, and policymakers around the issue of urban density.